License: Commercial
Record created on 01/24/2005
Incredible Shrinking Sphere
License: Commercial
Record created on 01/24/2005
Indian Mission
License: Commercial
Record created on 01/20/2005
Indiana Jones
License: Commercial
Record created on 01/20/2005
Indiana Jones (Temple of Doom)
License: Commercial
Record created on 01/19/2005
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
License: Commercial
Record created on 01/19/2005
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Action Game (1989)
Publisher: US Gold, license: Commercial
Record created on 01/15/2005
Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure (1989)
Publisher: LucasArts, license: Commercial
Le jeu d'aventures adapté à partir du film Indiana Jones et la Dernière Croisade. Les énigmes sont nombreuses et complexes mais cela donne au jeu un intérêt énorme. Notez qu'il y a certaines phases d'arcade : pilotage d'un avion, combat à mains nues contre des nazis.