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Non maintenu License to Kill

License: Commercial

Record created on 01/20/2005

Line of Fire (1990)

Publisher: US Gold, license: Commercial

Record created on 01/15/2005

Non maintenu Live and Let Die (1988)

Publisher: Domark, license: Commercial

Record created on 01/14/2005

Livingstone I Presume ? (1986)

Publisher: Alligata Software, license: Commercial

Record created on 01/14/2005

Livingstone Supongo 2 (1989)

Publisher: Opera Soft, license: Commercial

Record created on 01/15/2005

Non maintenu Llamatron (1991)

Publisher: Llamasoft, license: Abandonware

Llamatron est un shoot'em up très réussi :chaque tableau se compose d'un écran fixe où il faut éliminer tous les adversaires. La particularité du jeu est que votre personnage fait feu en permanence, le bouton de la manette servant à bloquer le tir dans une direction précise.

Nombreux bonus (tir triple, ...), graphismes colorés et sons numérisés excellents.

Homepage EN 

Record created on 01/15/2005


Publisher: Llamasoft, license: Abandonware

Shoot'em up.

Homepage Falcon EN 

Record created on 05/29/2005

Lode Runner (1989)

Publisher: Loriciel, license: Commercial

Record created on 01/15/2005

Lode Runner (1983)

Publisher: Bröderbund, license: Commercial

Record created on 01/15/2005

Lords of the Rising Sun (1988)

Publisher: Mirrorsoft (Cinemaware), license: Abandonware


Record created on 01/15/2005

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