Font Collection 5
Publisher: Admirables
Bibliothèque de polices de caractères.
Record created on 03/16/2005
Font Collection 6
Publisher: Admirables
Bibliothèque de polices de caractères.
Record created on 03/16/2005
Font Collection 7
Publisher: Admirables
Bibliothèque de polices de caractères.
Record created on 03/16/2005
Font compil 1
Publisher: Michel Goux
Compil of 18 character font PC1 (compressed Degas) with intro
Record created on 05/10/2017
Font compil 2
Publisher: Michel Goux
Compil of 24 character font PC1 (compressed Degas) with intro (rasters, low border, scrolls horizontaux et verticaux, circle scroll ...)
Record created on 05/10/2017
Font compil 3
Publisher: Michel Goux
Compil of 27 character font PC1 (compressed Degas) withe intro (animated christmas father + soundtrack sound)
Record created on 05/10/2017
My Font Disc
License: Commercial
Polices Calamus.
Record created on 04/04/2005
Source d'un jeu de football américain en GFA.
Record created on 02/06/2005
Fractal Frenzy 1
License: Commercial
Record created on 04/04/2005
Fractal Frenzy 2
License: Commercial