Le Manuel Complet du Musicien
Publisher: Henri Lemoine (Anny et Jean-Marc Versini), license: Commercial
Record created on 03/30/2005
Manuel ST
Documentation sur l'utilisation du ST.
Record created on 02/05/2005
Memories of the Past (31/12/1995)
Publisher: The Sirius Cybernetics Corporation
Record created on 03/17/2005
Memory protection in MiNT (Preliminary documentation)
Documentation préliminaire sur la protection mémoire dans MiNT.
Record created on 03/18/2005
MetaDOS BOS driver doc 0.3 (23/09/2003)
Publisher: Patrice Mandin
Comment créer un pilote BOS pour MetaDOS.
Record created on 02/22/2005
Micromémo Atari ST
Publisher: P.S.I. (Augustin Garcia), license: Commercial
Record created on 03/30/2005
MicroMémo GFA Basic 2 et 3
Publisher: P.S.I. (Christophe Castro), license: Commercial
Record created on 03/30/2005
Micromémo Le Rédacteur
Publisher: P.S.I. (Christophe Castro), license: Commercial
Record created on 03/30/2005
MicroMémo ST Basic
Publisher: P.S.I. (Franck-Olivier Lelaidier), license: Commercial
Record created on 03/30/2005
MIDI Musique et Séquenceurs
Publisher: Micro Application, license: Commercial
Types d'instruments MIDI, schémas de connexion, programmation de séquenceur, utilisation de logiciels (Notator, Cubase, Pro 24).